



Junior Busy Book

(girl themed cover pictured)

New Size. New Activities. New Cover. New Fun!!

Here's the deal:
  • Junior Busy Books are pre-made and sold "as is." Each book will have FOUR pages of fun.  
  • There will be girl, boy and neutral themed Junior Busy Books. 
  • Junior Busy Books will be available for purchase beginning at the Spring Boutique on Saturday, April 17th. (see post below for more details)
  • Junior Busy Books measure about 6 " by 9 ", making them easy to take anywhere!

Here's a little sneak peak at just a few of the NEW activity pages
you'll find in Junior Busy Books.

"Paper Doll" - Your little doll will love dressing this "paper doll". Pieces attach with velcro; Pocket for safe keeping of extra clothes.

"Mr. Blue J." - Fly this adorable blue jay from limb to limb. Mr.Blue J. is attached with a ribbon so he won't get lost.

"Perfect Petals" - Your little one can practice their buttoning skills by removing and replacing the flowers.

"Fantasy Land" - Glitter, sparkles, hearts and bows - every little girl's fantasy. She can practice braiding the unicorn's yarn tail.

"Little Green Monster" - Boys will love this silly monster face; moms will love busy fingers buttoning on the pieces.

Don't worry.... there will be more boy themed pages.  They are in the works and will be available at the Spring Boutique.

Junior Busy Books will be sold for $15 each.


  1. SO CUTE!!! What a great idea!!!!!

  2. Ok so I decided I need one of THESE!! But the boy version!! :) :) Sooooo adorable! :)

  3. I love your books! We are excited for the Jr Busy book for our boy. I know my husband will use it while he is still too little :)
