
Reviews, Please

So some very cool things are in the works right now, including a Noah's Ark activity mat.  It's like an entire Busy Book compressed onto one big mat!!  And it folds and rolls closed so that it can easily be transported from place to place and doesn't take much room to store!  There will be this and A LOT MORE at the upcoming boutique.  Clear your calendars for Oct. 15th and 16th; you really don't want to miss it!

I'm going to ask you a favor.  If you have already purchased a Busy Book from me, would you mind emailing me a brief comment/review?  I'm trying to put together a reviews section for this site.  I would LOVE to hear back from you!  Thanks!

Here are a few ideas for a comment:

What is your child's favorite activity page?
Where do you use your Busy Book the most?
As a parent, what do YOU like most about your Busy Book?

And PLEASE, if there are any improvements that you feel should be made, please don't hesitate to tell me.  I want to make my product better and give you more of what YOU want and need.  :) 


It's Coming....

The FALL boutique is almost here! (And that means I've got a lot of work to do!)
I'll be there with Junior Busy Books as well as 
a NEW product that will be making it's debut at the boutique.  Yay!

And this time it will be not just one but TWO days of shopping heaven.

Mark your calendars...
Friday, October 15th and Saturday, October 16th

Can't wait to see you there!
Click here for a sneak peek at all of the exciting vendors that will be there!